The Interview: How To Take Control

If you’ve decided to move your career up a notch then you should be getting some interviews quite soon. It can be daunting, especially if you haven’t been interviewed for a while. You may feel you’re preparing for a battle with two adversaries facing each other but the latest thinking is that both sides should use the interview as a chance to have a proper conversation, to find out as much about each other as possible and even share ideas.

But you will want to make sure that you get your points across and if you are unlucky you may get someone who likes to exert control, so it helps to have some tips up your sleeve. I’ve been talking to communications expert Adam Batstone @adambat  who frequently briefs clients facing the media in his role at PR company MHP.

Adam what’s the first thing you need to know about taking control of an interview situation?

It’s important that you are very clear about what the core messages are that you want to get across. If you compare it with preparing for an exam, you have spent time revising interesting and relevant things to say about a subject and this is your chance to say them. The interview is your opportunity to show the interviewer that you have done your homework and you have sensible and insightful opinions or experience to bring to bear. As soon as you get the interview on to home territory you will talk more fluently and relax

It can be stressful in there, is there an easy way to remember what to do?

Following on from the previous point, the stress comes out of the fact that in an interview you feel as though you are on the receiving end – more interrogation than conversation and that’s uncomfortable. But focus on the fact that the interviewer is not trying to embarrass or humiliate you – they want to get a true impression of your abilities to enable them to make a sound decision. The comparison I give for clients who may be facing a difficult media interview is to think about a place of safety or island which gives you time and confidence to collect your thoughts, calm down and get the situation back on track. If the question has put you into deep water – make for the island. What have you prepared which is most relevant? Don’t start guessing at answers that will make you panic more, if you cannot answer a particular question, acknowledge that, explain that it’s not a situation you have had experience of and talk about the related issue which is most relevant.

How do I make sure I don’t leave without getting my points across?

The French have a phrase l’esprit de l’escalier which broadly means the “Doh!” moment when you are leaving a room and suddenly remember what you had meant to say. There’s no easy solution to this problem, suffice it to say that good preparation reduces the chances of you forgetting key points. However you do not want to rely on memorising a script. That will be a big effort, stop you from listening to the questions and will sound very odd. When you are preparing, think about your “islands” the subjects you know about and can talk confidently about. For each island prepare three or four sub-points; examples, evidence, relevant experience – small batches of information are easier to master than long lists.

Any other bright ideas? 

The best interviews are conversations – your answers are only a fraction of what is going on. You are being considered on many levels and the more human you come across, the better. The interviewer is thinking: “Can this person do the job? And do I want to share an office with them?” Be a human – smile, eye contact, empathise. And when in doubt – head for your island.

Thank you.

 I am managing a selection of live roles right now so to take your first step email your CV. I look forward to hearing from you!

7 Things Winning Candidates Have in Common

Or – How I spot a winner!

As a recruiter it’s often easy to spot a serious contender as soon as they walk through the door. With thousands of interviews under my belt it really is that obvious when you meet a winner.

So what is it about them that gives off such strong signals for success? And how do I then confirm that my first impressions are right?

Here are the top 7 things I think winning candidates have in common.

  1. Vision

Winners have vision – they know why they are in the room and what they want from their next role – because it is part of a plan. These winners always know how today’s tasks are going to contribute to their bigger goal. They can clearly articulate the career choices they have made and the benefits of their roles and experiences to date

  1. They want it

Vision, important as it is, is not the whole picture – our winners have to want it too. There’s a movie about a team of American Football players   coached by Gene Hackman which includes the fantastic line “Winners always want the ball when the game is on the line.” How badly does this candidate want the ball?

  1. They’re prepared to put in the hours

Champion Rower Greg Searle talks about the importance of breaking the ice – literally. Even on the coldest days in the depths of winter you have to get in the boat, break the ice on the freezing water and practice. Being a winner is all about seeing the bigger picture, knowing why you are there and putting in the hours.

  1. Giving a good first impression

Not everyone has movie star looks like Tom Cruise but winners tend to exude confidence regardless of their physical gifts. Well turned out candidates with a firm handshake are always a big plus. I advise candidates to think about how they are going to create that initial impression using the 1st 12 rule. Pay attention to the first 12 inches of your body – your face – maintain eye contact and smile. The 1st 12 steps you take towards the interviewer – are you confident and the first 12 words that you say.

  1. Achievements

If somebody has won in the past then they are likely to do so again. Most candidates can list their achievements and a few well-chosen questions will test how robust they are. Winners are ready to back up these achievements with facts and mention things they have achieved as part of a team as well.

  1. Synergy

Winners understand that you need others around you. Working with people who have a variety of skills allows us to discover jointly things we are much less likely to discover by ourselves. Creating a win/win is one of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People documented by Stephen Covey – find out more about them here

  1. Resilience

This is what former Football Manager Iain Dowie referred to in 2004 as bouncebackability. Individuals and organisations alike need the resilience to get back up time and again after a setback. There’s a great bit in the Spielberg movie Bridge of Spies about the Standing Man who keeps getting up every time he gets knocked down. Lane4 the performance management and coaching business also believe resilience is a key trait in winners – check  out what they have to say here

That’s just 7 of the ways I spot a winner – I am sure there are many more.

So if you want to progress your career, get in touch. I work with some great FMCG Companies who want to hire winners, if this sounds like you we can get down to the serious business of matching you with a new position in a fantastic firm.


07540 049 902

01189 241 333

Why you should keep control of your promiscuous digit

So it’s 2016 and you’re fired up to find a new job and make some advances in your career. You know you have the skills that will take you to the next level and you’re keen to capitalise on the improving jobs market.

All good news, but it’s important to be smart about the way you proceed, starting with the jobs you decide to apply for.

At this time of year many people fall victim to the promiscuous digit – a term both coined and explained in this excellent blog by Keith Robinson.

Essentially, he says, we are so used to clicking a mouse to browse and buy online that the habits we’ve adopted on the leisure side of our lives have spilled over into the way we apply for jobs.

The explosion of good quality job boards and recruiter websites makes it too easy to apply for jobs – firing off CVs at the touch of a button from the comfort of your armchair. The ease and convenience of the process has made us promiscuous. The end result is that we are not discerning enough and don’t consider or research the roles properly.

This has a doubly adverse effect. Not only do we end up applying for the wrong kinds of jobs, sending off applications for roles in the wrong part of the country or at the wrong salary – we then clog up the recruiter’s in-box with spam applications that don’t fit the criteria. The result could be that your application doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

So this new year, make a resolution to apply mindfully. Filter down your long list to the jobs you really want, compare your skills and experience to each application and include a personalised note. Hold back the promiscuous digit and give yourself the chance at success you really deserve.

A time to reflect and consider your future….

It’s about now that we finish up at work and head home for Christmas. It’s a time when at last we have time to reflect and think back on the past year..

But we’re all so busy that reflection and investing time to consider what’s really important is still hard. The to do list of jobs at home is often longer then the one at work!

We’re all in the same boat I know – madly jugglinng our commitments at work and at home.

But do take a moment to pause and think, this festive season. In fact someone shared this particular thought with me this year.

There are 3 types of people in life;

  • Those that make things happen
  • Those that watch things happen
  • and those that wonder what on earth happened!

What kind of year has 2015 been for you and what kind of year do you want 2016 to be?

Happy Christmas.


Trophy Dodgers?

V__809DDid you see this? Lovable biscuit brand gets roped in to a bit of sport based satire!

It’s very popular these days to use well loved brands to make jokes about sport or the news. It gives us all a bit of a smile and brightens our day – unless of course you happen to be a Liverpool Fan!

But it is also a smart piece of marketing – making the news work for your brand – in what they call “real time”, with highly topical pictures and jokes that go viral.  Never mind the Cup – brands who can get their products shared on smart phones and tablets are the real Trophy winners in today’s marketing game.

What will disrupt your life in 2015?

The world of FMCG has always, by definition, been fast moving, but last year was remarkable. The disruptions came thick and fast.

Discounters like Aldi and Lidl continued their inexorable rise and really established themselves as a credible and enduring force. Scandal rocked Tesco as their accounting procedures came under the spotlight. Aggressive de-listing tactics hit the headlines and changes in ownership produced some unsettling conditions in some of the biggest companies in FMCG, with restructuring and redundancies commonplace. 2015 has already seen more disruption and change…

But “disruption” is not always a negative force – in fact in the world of consumer electronics and mobile phones, companies are constantly on the lookout for the next big thing to disrupt the marketplace and sweep all before it.

Time then to embrace the positive in disruption and get ourselves match-fit for the coming season!

After a hard fought and aggressive year in which all sides in the FMCG game seemed to be pitted against each other, my bet is that 2015 will be the year for forging closer partnerships.

Instead of being pushed around and forced onto the back foot by retailer’s tactics which you find unpleasant and aggressive – come out fighting. Even in this tough, disruptive marketplace there are huge opportunities for companies and individuals bold enough to face issues head on. Take a fresh, positive approach to building genuine collaboration and partnerships.

You will  certainly need to go into each meeting well prepared and with a strong set of negotiating tactics like these from our friends at Total Negotiation but I truly believe that you will see the benefits from showing your commitment to a positive approach that places your future together centre stage.

5 Step Checklist for a New Job in 2015

Have you decided that now is the time to move on with you career? It’s a big decision but an exciting one. You can make it easy on yourself and get ready for the change by following this 5 Step Checklist.

  1. Be honest with yourself and write down all your skills – starting with the things that are your real strengths.
  2. Are you in the right shape? After all that festive cheer you may be feeling sluggish – sharpen up both mentally and physically in preparation for finding the right move.
  3. Is your CV up to scratch? Does it really communicate the skills and experiences you have identified above? Make sure key information is at the top – what is the first thing you want them to know about you?
  4. Is your Social Media 100% – Is your LinkedIn profile complete, with testimonials and a good photo? Does it contain the key words employers might be searching on and have you clicked the right preferences so that everyone can see it?
  5. Would you know straight away what the right job looks like? Take some time to get clear on things like location, salary, culture and sector so that you don’t waste time with jobs you don’t really want.

5 Essential steps to get the post you want.

As a recruiter I meet a lot of people who want to find a new job and they always ask me – “What do I need to do?” I could talk on the subject for hours – there is so much to say! But really it comes to down 5 key areas and once you have these sorted you will have the confidence to go ahead and apply for any job – although as we will see below that is not necessarily the best idea…..

1) 2 x 4 = Success

First you need to identify your 4 key qualities – these are the 4 things that make you stand out from the crowd – your unique selling points. You may be able to think of 5 or 6 or even 7 but by sticking to 4 you give yourself the best chance of remembering them in a potentially stressful interview or discussion with a recruiter or an employer. These are you anchors so be honest with yourself, take some time to decide what they and use them to get yourself across positively.

Your second group of 4 is made up of the things you want to find about your prospective employers. These might be 4 questions you want to ask in an interview or 4 things that you need to research online. It will act as a reminder that not all jobs are great and not all employers will suit you. Don’t rush into anything – ask questions and do your research.

2) No more interviews!

We all have a pre-conceived idea of what an interview is – whether that’s a cosy chat or a traumatic grilling, either way it is not useful, so forget it and move on. I think it is far more productive to think of these as business meetings. We all have business meetings every day and to maximise their effectiveness we prepare, open with a warm, sincere welcome, come to the table with clear objectives, listen to what the other people have to say and then bring the encounter to a positive close. You would never leave a meeting without mentally ticking off your objectives, so don’t leave a job interview without telling them the things you need to get across…which leads us to our next point;

3) Don’t be afraid to take charge.

At the very least you have to think of an interview as a 2-way conversation but even better if you remember that occasionally it is ok to take the lead. If the person sitting opposite you outlines the way the meeting is going to go and then says “Is that ok?” it is far better to say something than sit there nodding like a donkey. Here is your opportunity to say; “Yes, that’s perfect and I hope we will also be able to talk about my suitability for this role (your 4 points above), and make reference during the interview to your achievements.

4) Stop being so British!

We Brits have a terrible struggle with self promotion – somehow we feel it is not quite right, but if you have mastered points 1, 2, and 3 and are ready to speak up and promote your best bits then you are also ready for number 4. Get others to be honest with you. Ask a good friend to look at everything from your interview technique to your personal statement and your clothes, then really take on board the honest feedback they give you. This is one occasion where being polite and terribly British does not help!

5) Have a plan

Heading out there to search for a new job can be daunting – it feels like a mammoth task – but as anyone who has run a marathon can tell you, it starts with having a plan. If you then break it down into small actions and tick them off as you go, before you know it you have got a long way down the road to your goal.

Job offers aren’t going to be pouring in on day one but if you know what you want and have a good idea of how you are going to get it then they soon will be. Make talking to a recruiter one of things on your list – with valuable advice and access to many jobs which you might not see online, we understand what employers are looking for and we are here to help.

Good luck! Phil Hutchinson May – Director FMCG Central

3 Strategies to Win With a Buyer Every Time

Most sales teams invest a lot of time thinking about winning with their customers, yet go into each meeting totally unprepared. Then they’re surprised when things don’t work out.

Strategy expert and sales trainer Duncan Cawdell has seen it a million times and knows through experience that to come away with the outcome you want you need to put more in at the start. His background as a buyer and a supplier has given him a unique insight into both sides of the process.

His advice is to be strategic, take time and follow a few simple steps.

Here are his 3 sure fire strategies for turning each meeting into a win.

“ We’ve all winged it once or twice in our lives and we might even have got away with it. My advice is don’t do it. The number one way to get what you want out of a meeting is to plan for it.”

  1. Have a plan.

Back in the day in order to get a national account manager’s role most candidates would have spent time on the road with regional accounts or smaller players, learning their craft and gaining experience in countless meetings. Now with a lot of field sales outsourced, recruitment is focused on graduates who move straight into national roles and their experience of meeting face to face is much reduced. That doesn’t hold true on the other side of the fence – many buyers sit though more sales presentations in a week than most NAMs conduct in a year, so it’s important to get it right first time. Learning on the job could cost everyone dear so focus hard on clear, effective and rigorous planning.

  1. It’s not all about you.

If you were taking someone new out for dinner you wouldn’t order their food, tell them what to drink and then launch into a half hour monologue about yourself (I hope!) Likewise when you are in the meeting it is really important to talk about your customer not yourself. With the right preparation you will already know all about the people and the dynamics of the organisation you are selling to. By getting into the mind of the customer and thinking about what is and isn’t working for them and how their business operates then you can start to show them how you can solve their problems and meet their needs. Be clever and get their attention with your creative approach.

  1. Get permission to sell

If they like what you’re saying then they will want to know more and when they give you that green light you have their permission to sell. This is the magic moment when you can close the deal – when everyone is on the same side. No need for tense negotiations with each side playing the part of adversaries, instead you are working in partnership and getting things done.

So plan, play to your strengths and turn things to your own advantage in meetings that are a win not just for you but for both sides.

Duncan Cawdell has put his extensive experience of the industry behind his company Pure Blue Ocean which offers coaching for sales success to both sales teams and individuals looking to increase their skills. So if you would like to know more do call +44 7788426914 or


Understanding Company Culture

Here at FMCG Central we have this advice for candidates looking for their dream job.

Base your move around 3 factors – in this order of importance;

  • Company
  • Role
  • Salary

This tells you how highly we rate understanding company culture. To do well in your career it is absolutely vital that the company is a good fit for you.

What is company culture?

We’re basically talking about the way a company chooses to do things – the type of meetings they have, the way they give feedback, the clothes they wear, the people they employ and the management style. As I am sure you appreciate, every organisation’s culture is unique and it’s essential to understand their values because to thrive and feel at home you need to be in tune with those values yourself.

How do I know they are right for me?

Like choosing your friends or where to live you can often tell straight away if a company is right for you – there’s a connection, so don’t ignore your initial gut feelings as they are usually correct. You do then need to reflect and gather more information as this is one of the most important decisions you will make in 2014 if not your life!

Our top tip is to take a good look at your chosen company’s website as this is their company statement – this is the way they have chosen to present themselves to the world. Each word has been checked and approved, so go through it in detail and take note of what they say and how they say it.

Also LinkedIn is becoming increasingly valuable as a research tool. Check out other people in that organization and the people who will be directly in your team. What is their background? Are they connected to people you know? Visit the office, take in the environment and the surroundings,even if the role is home based, because atmosphere is important.

Take time to research and investigate these areas and piece together your thoughts.

Lastly, ask questions which are important to you. Is it the kind of place which values ideas and suggestions or do they want someone who excels at getting on with the job? Does management have an open door policy, do they reward individuals or teams or neither?  How do they describe their culture and how do they support women in their careers? Ask for examples.

When you are certain that this is the company for you, you will be in a great position to go out and nail the job because your passion for the role and your confidence that you are doing the right thing will shine through.

For more information on careers in FMCG contact me, Phil, at

07540 049 902

01628 421 850